Monday, September 16, 2013

Adding Audio (Particularly Vocals) To FL Studio

I finally did it! My first production with my vocals mixed into the beat. Sounds nice. But I gotto tell ya, it was a pain, for me, and all just because I use a USB Headset.

If you so happen to have the same problem, check out this video tutorial:

It worked for me, and it sounds great. The cool thing is that you can add and test your vocals in the program before you decide recording, instead of recording first, then adding affects. EQUO and Reverb are my personal suggestions. There are many other cool effects to add as well, like Fruity Filter. I like to make it sound old radio

Unfortunately for me, however, getting this thing to work somehow caused my speakers to stop working all together. Which makes testing exports a pain. I have yet to figure out how to get my speakers to work again, but I'll figure it out, somehow. Be forewarned though, in case you may experience the same issues.